Updated April 2022 – supersedes all previous versions
Boat Launch Keys for Off-Lake Residents
In order to provide off-lake residents the ability to launch a powerboat for day use, a limited number of keys will be made available.
- Up to five (5) keys may be leased out each boating season to off-lake residents.
- Keys will be allocated on a first come first serve basis each year. Keys will remain property of TLIA. Annual requests for keys shall be made via e-mail to (TULLLAKEBOATS@GMAIL.COM) beginning February 1st.
- The resident allocated keys will sign a contract and provide a lease deposit fee of $200. The fee will be returned at the end of the season when the key is returned. If the key is not returned by November 1st, the deposit fee will be forfeited so a new lock can be purchased to insure that the keys are being fairly distributed again at the start of each season.
- Keys must not to be copied and used by the assigned holder only.
- Homeowner’s association dues must be current.
- The resident will submit a watercraft registration form to TLIA.
- Resident will adhere to all TLIA Boat & Lake Rules; have current MI registration, TLV stickers and lot number stickers on their boat.
- Boats must be launched for day-use only. Overnight docking on the lake is not allowed.
- The gate must be locked after each launch and removal.
- Parking of tow vehicle and trailer at the resident home during lake use is highly recommended.
- Resident must store their boat in their garage or off-site when not in use. Outdoor parking or storage of boats is strictly prohibited by our Deed Restrictions.
- To prevent the spread of invasive species, boat hull and trailer must be thoroughly cleaned before launching on Tull Lake if the boat was used in another lake or river.
- Violation of any of the terms & conditions will result in immediate forfeiture of the $200 deposit and loss of lake privileges.