
Welcome to the Twin Lakes Village Website.  We hope that you are able to find the information you are seeking. 

Neighborhood Calendar

No Events at this time.

WLTPD 2024 Radar Trailer Report

Summary of results from the neighborhood radar trailer can be found here.

** Lake Deweeding **

Tull Lake #1, Tull Lake #2 and the Huron River will be treated on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
  • Do not swim until June 5th
  • Do not use lake water for irrigation until June 7th
  • We ask all residents to refrain from all power boating for 24 hrs.  The reason for restricting power boating is to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.  Boat traffic & churn from the props dislodges the chemicals from the weeds. 
Thank you for your cooperation

Lakes Evaluation - 2024

Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS) was out on Tuesday, May 14th for the 2024 lake scan & evaluation of Tull Lake #1 and Tull Lake #2. They also collected water samples from each lake.
The preliminary analysis from RLS showed two types of invasive weeds in Tull Lake #2.  They found approximately 42 acres of Curl-Leaf Pondweed and 1 acre of Eurasian Watermilfoil. There were no invasive weeds found in Tull lake #1. The clarity of the water has improved since evaluation in June 2023.
Links to maps treatment maps provided by RLS.  CLP   EWM 
The Eurasian Watermilfoil is the invasive plant that we have had for many years.  The Watermilfoil was aggressively treated in June of 2022 with a systemic treatment, Triclopyr. As a result of the June 2022 treatment, there was no Watermilfoil observed in 2023.
The treatment recommendation from RLS for early June is to treat with Diquat for the Curly-Leaf Pondweed and with ProcellaCOR for the Eurasian Watermilfoil.  
Click below for the full reports from RLS for: 2022, 2023, 2024

Boating & The Water

Boat Launch Update: 
The gate at the boat launch was opened October 1st and will remain open until October 31st.  All boats must be off the water by October 31st
Lake Rules:
Please review the Lake and Boating section.  Lake rules have been updated as of March 2022.  The updated rules supersede all previous versions. 
Water Quality Survey
Please click here to see the results of the latest water quality surveys.  

Lake Level / Pumps

The river pump maintenance and repair was completed and the pump was reinstalled on March 21, 2024.  
The lake is at the summer level.  The river pump and well pumps run times will be adjusted as needed to maintain the level.
Run time for the pumps will be reduced on November 1st, the lake level will slowly drop.

TLIA Proposed Deed Restriction Amendments

The three deed restriction proposals did not receive sufficient yes votes to be approved. In order for an amendment to pass it must receive a yes vote from a minimum of 60% of the homes in TLIA.  If there are homes with two owners, both must approve to allow a yes vote for that lot.
1. Revise General Provisions (A) to remove the auto-renew provision: 
Yes: 12.5%. No: 8.48% No Response: 79.02%

2. Revise General Provisions (E) regarding signs:
Yes: 10.71% No: 8.93% No Response: 80.36%

3. Implement the assessment of fines for violation of the deed restrictions: 
Yes: 8.93% No: 8.48% No Response: 82.59%

Priority Waste: Yard Waste

Yard Waste 2024 pick up will be from April 1, 2024 thru December 6, 2024
Composting is done by a separate truck on the same day. Yard waste is defined as leaves, lawn cuttings, shrub/tree trimmings and the like.  Place into biodegradable bags or containers of 35 gallons or less.  We enforce a weight limit of 50 pounds.
Brush and Limbs can be picked up throughout the year.  Make sure if greater than 2 inches in diameter they must be in bundles no longer than 4 feet in length and not exceed a total of 18 inches in diameter.

Home Updates

Residents, this is a reminder that ANY and ALL exterior updates, upgrades, and renovations to your home and property MUST be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval.  This is clearly stated in your Deed Restrictions.
TLIA submit to:
TLVA submit to: Lori.vallance@outlook.com