Yard waste collection for 2024 runs Monday, April 1st through Friday, December 6th.Yard waste is defined as leaves, lawn cuttings, garden waste, shrub/tree trimmings and pruning waste.
Christmas Trees
Will be picked up the 1st and 2nd weeks in January on your regularly scheduled day. Trees over 6 feet must be cut in half.
Priority Waste is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If your pick-up day falls on or after a holiday during the business week, services will be pushed back one day and there will be a Saturday pick-up. If the holiday falls on the weekend, there will be no change in pick-up days.
RecyclingPriority Waste accepts many items for recycling, for a complete list
click here. A larger 65-gallon recycling cart (with lid) can be purchased for a fee of $65 by calling Priority Waste at (586) 228-1200.