
Our current deed restrictions state that garbage cans are to be stored in the garage. The TLIA board would like residents to store their garbage cans inside or create a partition according to deed restrictions. Garbage cans and other such items stored on the side of your house are unsightly. Let’s keep Twin Lakes the quality subdivision that it has always been. It benefits all of our property values.
GARBAGE SERVICE - Pick-up Day: Friday
Priority Waste
Customer Contact Number: 1-586-228-1200
Bulk waste - Most items generated by a household can be set out for curbside collection on your waste pick-up day (no need to call) including furniture, appliances, mattresses, box springs, and carpet. Doors & racks must be removed from refrigerators & freezers. Please keep bulk items separate from trash and recyclables. All items must be placed curbside by 7 a.m. to ensure pick-up.
Miscellaneous Information:
  • Carpet - Must be cut and bundled into 4 foot sections.
  • Construction Debris - Allowed three 32-gallon containers of (residents own home only) construction debris or equivalent. Not to exceed 50 pounds.
  • Paint (Latex Only) - Mix with kitty litter to dry or add a paint hardener. DO NOT cover empty paint cans.
  • Exempt Items - Tires, rims, cement, and stones are not covered under our current contract.
Yard Waste
Yard waste collection for 2024 runs Monday, April 1st through Friday, December 6th.Yard waste is defined as leaves, lawn cuttings, garden waste, shrub/tree trimmings and pruning waste.  
  • Yard Waste Brush and Limbs (smaller than 2 inches) - May be placed into biodegradable bags or containers up to 35 gallons, marked 'Yard Waste'. We enforce a weight limit of 50 pounds max.
  • Tree Limbs - Limbs that exceed 2 inches in diameter should be bundled together and bundles should not to exceed 18 inches in diameter or 4 feet in length. Individual limbs in each bundle should not exceed 4 inches in diameter. 
  • Not considered yard waste - Dirt, sod, large stumps, sand, gravel, concrete, rocks, animal feces and dead animals.
Christmas Trees
Will be picked up the 1st and 2nd weeks in January on your regularly scheduled day. Trees over 6 feet must be cut in half.
Priority Waste is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If your pick-up day falls on or after a holiday during the business week, services will be pushed back one day and there will be a Saturday pick-up. If the holiday falls on the weekend, there will be no change in pick-up days. 
Priority Waste accepts many items for recycling, for a complete list click here. A larger 65-gallon recycling cart (with lid) can be purchased for a fee of $65 by calling Priority Waste at (586) 228-1200.