Twin Lakes Village Subdivision, is managed by two Homeowner's Associations.
- The Twin Lakes Improvement Association (TLIA) manages the lake, beach, boat launch and the platted (non-site condominium) properties.
- The Twin Lakes Village Association (TLVA) manages the site condominium properties.
All members of the TLVA are also members of the TLIA; however, TLIA members are not members of the TLVA unless they also own property in the TLVA section.
Each association is governed by its own Deed and Bylaws. There are 6 villages in TLIA each with unique Deed Restrictions. There is one Master Deed for TLVA. The Deed Restrictions and ByLaws can be found under the Homeowners tab.
The Twin Lakes Improvement Association (TLIA) is the official “governing body” for all homeowners within the 6 Original Villages of TWIN LAKES. Not sure if you are in the 6 original villages, click on the
LOT MAP to determine which "association" you belong to.